If you are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 years care is 100% supported (during the 6 months following the M t'dents report)
In this case, you should not pay the dentist. It is the same after 6 months of pregnancy.
A tooth should be cleaned as soon as it erupts in the mouth. Good oral hygiene methods are important to master as soon as possible. By starting early, a baby gets used to proper oral hygiene and will keep the habit for life.
Tartar is a deposit of relatively hard calcified dental plaque which tends to form on the teeth and more particularly at the level of the collars (part of the tooth located at the union between the root and the crown). Health insurance reimburses descaling every 6 months (€ 43.38)
100% health tariff respected (see "Macron law 100%)
Crown on implant
The best solution to replace an extracted tooth. The implant is not placed in the office but by an experienced specialist surgeon. The crown which is positioned above is placed on thecabinet.
51, rue Emile Ferron - Tremblay - 35460 VAL COUESNON